A Few Words About

Lebanese Syndicate of Interior Designers

Keith Keller

The Founders of SLD

Since 1968

On the 8th of February 1968, due to the Decree Number 9432 decision # 1/120: The Syndicate of Interior Engineers in Lebanon was formed.

On June 26th, 1968, the name of the Syndicate has been changed to become: Syndicate of Interior Decorators in Lebanon.

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Goals of the Syndicate
  • To protect the working unit, encourage it as well as help it flourish towards the highest possible level that it can reach and defend its interests.
  • To entrust cooperation between the members.      
  • To present artistic consultancies and help.
  • To create diverse social and helpful as well as entertaining projects for the members.


Seminars & Webinars


Syndicate Members


Job Opportunities


Years In Service

The Syndicate Distribution
  • The founding of an annual student identification card for the first time in the working history of the Syndicates to the high level decoration students to attend the meetings and seminars as well as conferences that are organized, and benefiting from the facilities that are offered by the Syndicate members (to get to know the latest innovations and the local and international newest ideas in the business).
  • The entering of the Syndicate to the internet in order to participate in the contribution of the most recent work available in the realm of design.
  • The born of the universal lawful contract for all members with their clients in order to assist them in any difficulty or predicament that occurs in the contract.

Former Presidents

Former Presidents

Find below the previous Presidents of our syndicate. Each one of them left an imprint, hope that we will continue on the same track.


Farid Matta

Former President


Georges Obeid

Former President


Mike Bernotti

Former President


Salwa Diab

Former President


Charbel Obeid

Former President


Rony M. Zoghby

Former President

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